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More Revelations to Set History Straight Clarify the Present & Shed Light on Our Future

For the hearing challenged—the three videos below have the text scrolling throughout, so if you can’t hear, don’t discount the videos unless you are also legally blind. The captioning is all there from start to finish for you to read.

Those who have been following all the comments from “The Lie NASA Told” will already have this information, but I feel strongly that it is ‘required reading’ for those who are open to explore the vast possibilities and truths that are emerging as a result of these groundbreaking videos so I’m putting them in a post of their own because if you’re like me, this resonates ever so much with my psyche.

Many wonderful resources are shared in the comments sections of posts on this blog, but here are some links I know like-minded souls will devour as I did, as they are in line with the sort of things brought forward in “The Lie NASA Told”.

Thank you, ‘Spock’ for digging these up and sharing. Fascinating! And thank you YellowRose for being brave enough to put this information out there for us to find.

Firstly, there are three videos that cast off the lies of the past and tell our unaltered history; elucidate on what’s been happening in the past few years with the star wars in our skies and the battle for Humanity, and finally, what our future will be like when we bring Heaven down to Earth.

As I watched these, the lights were coming on in my mind as I saw the dots connected between our current reality and how it had been corrupted so very long ago. It just makes sense.

I also realized that the movie “Avatar” is not so far from reality as it may seem, in many respects.

There are no accidents, and a neighbour insisted I had to read the series of books, “Game of Thrones”. I didn’t want to, because I prefer to read non-fiction (and still haven’t read them all), but I have always loved fantasy, and the most captivating part of the tales to me were the dragons. And what was the preferred method of transportation in “Avatar”?

Countless things I’ve heard over the course of my lifetime will comprise our idealistic future as described in the third video; things that never felt far-fetched to me and always within the realm of possibility, at whatever age. The images and text sparked my imagination but as I read recently, things we believe we’re imagining, are actually ‘memories’ dredged up from past lives.

We recommend you watch the videos in order:

And if you enjoyed the Meadors’ interview and research they unearthed from June 10th on, here’s the link to the next show in the series from June 17th about “The Lie NASA Told”. (and other things)

The audio quality IS poor, but with average hearing you won’t have much difficulty. It has that “tunnel effect” going on somewhat. Okalani is a little more difficult to hear.

I hope Alexandra can provide an improved audio version of this interview. So far I’ve only been able to listen to the first 12 minutes but it’s been very interesting.

As Alexandra says, this material has us looking at our world in an entirely new way.

She also said that there’s an odd quiet at the moment when communications between our friends upstairs and the Earth-bound ones seem to have stopped—supposedly to keep us all out of harm’s way as much as possible. They feel we are in the final stages of the battle for Humanity.

That sounds like it could be very true—and none too soon in this war of attrition. I keep hearing of Lightworkers succumbing to varying challenges in their life and having to withdraw from what they’ve been doing.

The most recent was a note from my favourite astrologer, Carl Boudreau. Carl said a major personal challenge came up (not health) that will require all his time and attention so he will not be doing any more monthly readings for us. You may connect with him on Facebook, however.

Perhaps that is a sign that their assistance in that vein is no longer required—which could be a harbinger of a breakthrough.

Let us hope we truly are in the final weeks of this gargantuan battle for our sovereignty and final liberation.

Please do stock up on staples—and luxuries like TP and tissues—as well as dried and canned foods, meds and pet food, keep some cash on hand in small bills and keep your gas tank at least half full.

Let us intend it is a rapid and smooth transition where all will be safe as we kick the cabal out the door and into the alley where the paddy wagon awaits to take them to their new abode at Camp FEMA.


;0) ~ BP


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